Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Shocker set to come back a week early!!!!....Negative, cancel it!!!

After the Chicago plans fall through, The Shocker was set to come back a week early from vacation to be on this week. But Murdoch fucked himself up, doing one of his usual vigorous workouts, he totally fucked up his back. Now he has gone too far and gotten himself laid up!! The dumb ass douche bag has been off work all week, and been beyond miserable to say the least. Well we ask you this question Murdoch.....Was it fucking worth it? Look at you now, you stupid fuck!! Now Murdoch has always been know for his crazy bullshit, dumb ass comments, wild stories, and his general overall jackassery. But he has crossed the line once again, only to punish himself, and the show. So Murdoch, thanks a lot fucktard!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Shocker on Vacation For 2 More Weeks!!!

We are away on vacation once again for the summer, but have no fear, The Shocker is still playing new and original content on We will be playing our St. Patrick's Day show this week, and probably the End of Summer Dream 15 the following week. But stay tuned in 3 Fridays from now, for all the info on our break, and the week after that for the Telethon. We are not sure what time we will be doing on the Telethon, but stay tuned to the show, and this blog for all the info. Right now, management, is saying that the Telethon will start Sunday at Noon ET. So we are not sure, whether there will be a show that Friday night or if we will just hold all of our material for the Telethon? Stay tuned in to find out.